Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Seymour Glass

I have been sleeping awfully for the last week. I am not sure if it is anxiety or whatever. Anyway, I am leaving this Thursday to land in Stockholm a few days before my birthday. I will turn 24 on a boat or in Sweden somewhere.

Excited to be up with the sun each day, the misty salty air and the solitude and quiet. Excited somewhat for boredom and excitement at sea.

Not in the best shape for writing just yet - feeling sick and drowsy all the time - but wanted to get a little practice before I'm on a boat.

Here's a map of the Baltic, if you feel like reading about my adventures in these places, then keep coming to this blog.

I should somehow figure out how to post at least a few times per week, but still have no idea what kind of web access I'll have. This has never really been a photo blog but I suppose there will be some of those to put up too.

What a crazy ride so far. A lull this past week, and where's the energy to start again? I'm sure it will just come .

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